Monday, September 12, 2011

it's been done.

Got my new licence picture. Not sure how I feel about it but it's done now, I'm stuck with it. Getting the damn thing was frustrating, as I imagined it would be. Friday, I got ready, did my hair and makeup, looked on the website to see what I needed to bring with me, packed the kids into the car and drove to the DMV. I was gonna do it real fast on my way to drop the girls off with Grandma before work. So, I get there, wait in line (all the while pleading with Ceec and giving her the stern "mom look" when she would try to run around. Finally, it was my turn. Guess what? The very pleasant (and by very pleasant, I mean terribly rude and inconsiderate) lady told me I needed my marriage certificate. Umm... No, I dont. The website said nothing about a marriage licence. Plus, why? My name has been my married name for 6 years. Ive had a licence renewed before WITH my married name. I was pretty mad, got bitchy and tried to argue with her but she shut me down quick and told me I needed it and there was nothing more she could do. I stormed out and it took the rest of the night to cool down.
The next morning (saturday) I went back, without my marriage certificate, and the guy updated it, took my picture and didnt say another word. I hate stupid people. thank god I dont have to do that again until 2017.

Oh yeah, and tomorrow is my birthday!!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Here's to hoping

Today all the tulle came in for the blind attempt at making a tutu dress. It should be pretty fabulous if it turns out right. I see all this stuff on etsy selling for 100 bucks and I think, "I should be able to do that, right?" I mean, it looks easy enough. So I went out and spent 40 bucks in tulle and another 20 in other things needed for the project. If it works out, I should be able to make like seven dresses for a kid my size. If not, I'm screwed and M will kill me! lol. Here's to hoping...
In other news. My birthday is in less than a week. I'm not looking forward to it. The past few birthdays have been poopy and I don't like the fact that I'm drifting into my mid thirties. >:( Also, I have to get a new licence. My current one has a FANTASTIC picture. Why do I have to have that ruined. The one before this one was a great picture too. There is NO WAY I'll get that lucky a third time in a row. (now I'm pouty)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Here we go.....

Hey O! Welp, this will be my first official blog on here, that is. I havent blogged since the ancient times of MySpace. I wonder if I still know how to get into that account... Hmmm. I should probably try and then delete it. Maybe I'll retrieve some of my old blogs from there and repost them for shits and giggles. I've got some funny ones that I remember.
Anyhoo. My goals here: I want to try to blog a little everyday. Tell about my fabulous life (pfffft!) And... hopefully put a picture of myself up everyday, not because I'm conceited, but I would like to document how my look and style changes. In 5 years, I want to remember how young and cute I used to be. Bahahaha!
So far today, I've done nothing. It's my last day off from a four day weekend. I should think about what will be for dinner but first I need to pull myself away from Pinterest. Maybe Chicken Pot Pie Soup. Yeah, that sounds awesome!